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Drying equipment industry need to break through the walls of the state of technical protection

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[Introduction] barriers to high-precision high precision drying equipment drying equipment is first-mover advantage in the industry, technology and process is very demanding, each increase step requires very rich technology, workmanship precipitation and hard work. Because of the high precision drying equipment industry to raise difficult, so drying equipment industry advanced countries were drying equipment business protection efforts are also larger than other industries.

     In different stages of economic development, the various sub-sectors become alternately drying equipment industry to promote the development of the active force, drying equipment industry will follow the growth of the fastest growing sub-sectors. Currently, light industry, pharmaceutical, food, petrochemical production equipment and other heavy equipment is the fastest growing and most clear growth prospects in the downstream industry, although the overall level of profitability growth in tobacco production growth can not keep up, but the production and sales growth is still relatively uncertain, so tobacco drying equipment demand will grow steadily.

     Heavy industrial development was a major round of Chinese economic growth and prosperity has become an important force driving China's economy, China is currently in the food, light industry in the middle stages of development, this phase will last a long time, the food industry should be faster than light, medium, mechanical product development, corresponding to its push large, heavy drying equipment industry development speed will be much faster than the small drying equipment, so we prefer large, heavy drying equipment industry development prospects.

     Barriers to high-precision high precision drying equipment drying equipment is first-mover advantage in the industry, technology and process is very demanding, each increase step requires very rich technology, workmanship precipitation and hard work. Because of the high precision drying equipment industry to raise difficult, so drying equipment industry advanced countries were drying equipment business protection efforts are also larger than other industries.

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