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Microwave heating of food does not cause cancer - harmful to human health
Information Source:PeoplePublished:2013-06-27ViewCount:987
Recently, network text said, "microwave heating of food will produce toxic or carcinogenic compounds and food nutrition will be a serious loss." This statement is scientific? Reporter interviewed relevant experts and enterprises.
One question: microwave food cause cancer?
[Response] Microwave heating is a physical heat, changes in the molecular structure does not occur in normal use harmless according to experts, the microwave absorption of microwave heating is to rely on the object to convert it into heat heating. Foods contain a certain amount of water, when the microwave radiation to the food, the water molecules with the microwave field generating micro-molecular motion, resulting in a similar phenomenon of friction, the water temperature rises, the temperature rise of food. That is, the use of microwave heating, food chemical change does not occur.
Of microwave power applications and measurement technology experts, Electronic Science and Technology University professor Zhao boring to say, the food more than made up of fat, protein, vitamins and other substances composed of food in the water, in the absorption of microwave energy, the occurrence of high-speed rotation vibration, thus mutual friction heat . Microwaves are emitted microwave is generally 2.45GHz, the food that is 2.45 billion times vibrations per molecule, sufficient heat in a short time, but the energy is far from enough to change the chemical bonds of the molecule. "This is the physical heat itself does not have any change in molecular structure, how to generate a carcinogen say?" Boring Zhao said microwave was invented in the U.S. in 1947, has not yet been due to microwave food cause cancer epidemiology reports. China Agricultural University, Associate Professor Fan Zhihong told reporters: "Microwave heating only the water molecules in the food, the food does not undergo chemical changes, does not produce carcinogens." But she said that if the food heating temperature is too high, whether or microwave heating traditional way, are likely to produce carcinogens. Heating food temperature exceeds 120 ℃, such as we fry French fries, potato chips and baked crackers snacks, coffee beans and other foods, amino acid and carbohydrate reactions may produce acrylamide suspected carcinogen; 超过 200 ℃, such as cooking frying fish, the protein may produce carcinogenic heterocyclic amines; 超过 300 ℃, such as kebabs, barbecue, cooking meats char, rather than improper occurred when a large number of dietary fat will produce benzopyrene class of carcinogens.
Microwave heating will produce such a high temperature it? FAN Zhi said microwave heating of food is mainly the water, as long as the normal use, water is not evaporated, the food temperature is lower than 100 ℃, does not cause cancer.
Second question: microwave food nutrition will drain you?
[Response] microwave heating than other cooking methods will not result in more loss of nutrients; high fat foods with low moisture content not suitable for microwave heating. Zhao boring that food and nutrition is lost, depending on the cooking process is reasonable, whether science, with the use of microwave ovens or other cooking method does not matter. "You could say that any cooking method will lead to some degree of nutrient loss, and does not use the microwave loss than the other way faster and more severe."
FAN Zhi said that for high-moisture foods, as long as the heating time, temperature appropriate, microwave heating is not more than the other way lost nutrients. A large number of studies have shown that, vegetables, fruits and other foods in microwave cooking, because the heating time is short, to achieve the same core temperature when its vitamin C, flavonoids and chlorophyll a smaller loss. According to reports, the foreign one trial, cooked four kinds of vegetables, including tender kidney beans, eggplant, kohlrabi, radishes. Respectively, using traditional cooking methods, pressure cooking, microwave cooking to process and found that, no matter which one of the cooking method, in which the protein, fat, total ash, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and dietary fiber content in very small. Really big change is vitamin C, it is the greatest loss in pressure cooking, followed by microwave cooking and traditional cooking. "Microwave cooking is not perfect." Fan Zhihong said, according to researchers found that some fish, meat cooked in the microwave omega-3 fatty acids reduce the proportion greater. Among the fish cooking methods, steamed and kept pressure cooker cooking better nourished. More suitable for microwave cooking which is not too high content of unsaturated fatty foods.
Three questions: Microwave radiation damage to healthy?
[Response] of microwave production standards with international standards, EU standards; developed using microwave is also very common
Microwave radiation on the human body harm you? Boring Zhao said, the wave of the frequency classification from low to high as follows: longwave radio (the lowest frequency, the longest wavelength), radio waves, microwaves, visible light, X-rays, γ-rays, waves on the human body and its frequency is proportional to the wavelength is inversely proportional to . Microwave range between visible light and radio waves, "visible, every day we are in the bath; while usually use radio to listen to the radio belongs to radio waves. Rational use of the microwave, the human body does not produce significant harm."
Microwave radiation "fair use" range? Reporters were looked up the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) to develop international standards (IEC60335-2-25), European Standard (EN60335-2-25), China's national standard (GB-4706.21), find the full provisions of the standard microwave radiation same: in a microwave oven operation, the outer surface 50 mm or more at any point of the microwave leakage, should not exceed 50 W / m (that is, 5 mW / cm ²).
China's production out of the microwave, there is no compliance with this standard? Reporter walked in Shunde, Guangdong Midea Microwave Electric Division. In the company's a testing room, a live demonstration of product inspectors microwave radiation. U.S. imports through a "Microwave Leakage Detector", the reporter saw, one is listening in a certain fashion phone, close to its maximum radiation measured body values of 0.33 mW / cm, active outgoing calls 2.61; while the other two different brands of cell phone and dialed the state of the radiation values were 2.52 and 3.45. In contrast, a microwave in working condition, the front of the microwave leakage values were: close to the probe, 0.06, 0.03 distance of 10 cm from 20 cm to 0.01, then the distance of 30 cm or more undetectable; if it is put the site of the opening in the top division, the maximum value of 0.52, far below the international and country requirements 5. "This indicator will be seized, and each factory microwave must pass." The inspector said. Midea Microwave Electric Division General Manager Zhu Fengtao told reporters that they Microwave nearly 30 million annual units, of which 70% are exported to Europe, America, Japan, Korea and other global 145 countries in a single country, the United States most. "These countries, food safety and human health regulations are very strict, but their use was very popular in the microwave."
Question four: How to generate carcinogenic rumors?
[Response] may be due to a medical lawsuit against the U.S. microwave cooking food harmful speculation, long time. 1991 United States a compelling case, so that some people have a "microwave safe" suspicion: a patient surgery was successful, but in the subsequent death of a blood transfusion, and she entered the blood is heated in a microwave. Later, it was written in an article published on the website in the United States, 2003, article published by a domestic media translation. Many people thus believe that the microwave heating "the molecular structure of the food has changed, resulting in a molecule the body does not recognize these strange new molecules are unacceptable human body, some are toxic and may cause cancer." That really the case do? Why the United States that patient died? Reporters learned that the U.S. courts after careful investigation, the cause of death was not caused by the judgment microwave heating of the blood produces a toxic, but the heating time control shall not be treated, so that the blood produced hemolysis (ie, red blood cells rupture, hemoglobin escapes). Through a web search, you can also see the time of the trial record. It is understood that the medical profession is now prohibited ordinary microwave thawing frozen plasma, reason being its heating, due to uneven heating, prone to overheating, causing hemolysis.
Microwave Precautions
Microwave available container including ceramics, glass and plastic categories. Daily used porcelain dishes and ceramic soup pot, can be used in a microwave. Plastic can withstand 100 degrees Celsius must use non-toxic plastic, preferably a dedicated microwave plastic cutlery. Do not use ordinary plastic bags microwave.
There membrane or shell microwave heating of food should not be easily burst.
High fat content and low moisture content of foods such as cheese, nuts, pork, etc. Be careful when heated in the microwave, because less water, the temperature rises rapidly, easily Jiaohu or explode. Moreover, dried fish, meat and other moisture content is too low, microwave heating is very easy Jiaohu.
Yogurt and other foods containing live bacteria should not be heated in a microwave, because it will kill the beneficial bacteria and reduce health care value. When using a microwave, keep a minimum distance of 50 cm, when microwave stops working and then open pick up food. Microwave work, do not stare directly.
Address: No. 3 Dongcheng Road, Xin'an Community, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, China
Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.
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