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Microwave will destroy nutrients in food do
Information Source:InternetPublished:2013-06-27ViewCount:874
Microwave is now widely used in kitchen, dormitories and a variety of dining options, but people still doubt their radiation harmful to food, make a variety of vitamins and nutrients wiped out.
Please take a break and search all in the brain and the "nuclear materials" and "radiation" and other words related things. Power lines and cancer, cell phones and brain tumors, nuclear reactors and drowned. So, naturally, we would give the same microwave "courtesy." I have been asked countless times, is not enough to stand in front of microwaves cause cancer (Of course the answer is "No").
Various abusive article microwave on the Internet everywhere. They are almost consistently accused: Microwave will destroy the food vitamins. In a well-known websites on which is written, regularly eat foods cooked by microwave elevated cholesterol, lower hemoglobin, "damaged" cells, in short, Aftermath infinite.
It sounds like saying by promoting food microwave molecular vibration, in order to achieve the purpose of heating the food, the nature of the oven and no difference, just make it faster. However, little scientific knowledge whenever people know the nutritional value of the microwave with little or no impact.
Undoubtedly, each cooking method can damage the food of vitamins and other nutrients. Determine the extent of damage to the food cooking time, the use of many liquids and cooking temperatures. Since the microwave than conventional cooking methods using less heat and cooking time is shorter, then it stands to reason that nutrition should be minimally damaged cookware.
Most sensitive to heat water-soluble vitamins nutrients such as B vitamins and vitamin C, which are commonly found in vegetables.
Study conducted at Cornell University, the scientists studied the cooking method of water-soluble vitamins in vegetables. They found that microwave cooking spinach retains almost all of folic acid, but if an ordinary stove, a loss of about 77%. They also were surprised to find the microwave cooking bacon bacon compared with conventional methods of cooking, which contains significantly lower levels of carcinogenic nitrosamines.
As for vegetables, cooking with a microwave oven only if there is a problem, that is, if you add water, it will greatly accelerate the loss of nutrients. 2003 published in the "Journal of Food and Agricultural Sciences," the study found that if the microwave cooking cabbage when it is immersed in water, will lose 74% to 97% of the antioxidants. However, if there is no water in the case of cooking, then the majority of cabbage contain nutrients of "intact."
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