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Britain said microwave food scraps can be turned into biofuel
Information Source:InternetPublished:2013-06-27ViewCount:916
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) website recently reported that British scientists have proved by experiments with microwave irradiation can become an important food residue chemicals and biofuels. New ways so that people can dispose of in a factory or home food, not only provide recyclable energy, but also help solve the global problem of increasing food waste.
University of York, James Clark, professor at the recently held British Science Festival introduced the technology end of the year they plan to build a demonstration plant in York. He said that the use of highly focused microwave, any organic food waste into useful compounds can be used for materials science and bio-fuel applications.
Many of the world farms, factories, and consumers at home will create a lot of disused organic waste. For example, in Africa, the manufacturing process of cassava will produce 228 million tons annually abandoned starch; in Europe, the production of coffee will produce 3 billion tons of waste annually. Most of the UK waste from agriculture residues, including disused leaves, stalks, cereal plants and crops such as Shell. In Brazil, when manufacturers are making orange juice, oranges Piga up discarded each year is 800 million tons.
Brazilian orange peel Development Company (OPEC) at York University has developed plans to introduce new technologies, and waste from the orange peel extract biofuels and chemicals. Clarke explains: "The orange peel cut into small pieces, placed in the microwave field, so that the microwave field focus (the same as using domestic microwave oven, but its higher energy), which will activate the cellulose, releasing them to induce a large number of chemical substances, for example, a chemical substance which can be directly used in the manufacture Limonene people need perfume or other chemical substances extracted from the peel of the chemical substances that can be used to manufacture the final bio-fuel alternative to petroleum . "
Clark said that the microwave technology will be able to handle any substance containing cellulose, especially for handling paper and cards. Although this technology is still in the testing phase, but it can be used to handle a lot of waste but also can be applied to all sizes. Currently, because the manufacture of microwave requires a lot of energy, and the size of the equipment produced some constraints, but this can vary microwave machine eventually, either in the home, can also be applied to large-scale industrial production, but also very easy to transport.
Demo equipment will be completed by the end of this year to test this concept, the device is expected to handle 10 kg of waste per hour. Researchers speculated that if the technology is commercially viable, then, a device costing $ 1 million per hour, will be able to handle about 6 tonnes of waste. Farms, factories and homes eventually produce all the food waste can be recycled into clean, renewable energy and chemicals.
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