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Microwave energy to improve the extraction rate of the active ingredient honeysuckle
Information Source:InternetPublished:2013-06-27ViewCount:856
By the Department of Chemistry and Beijing Tong Ren Tang Technology Center researchers Guo library JinQinHan, FAN Guo-qiang, Duan Yu Ping, Qin Chen, who completed a study showed that application of microwave extraction technology for Chinese honeysuckle Extraction, can significantly improve the active ingredient extraction rate, and the extraction time is short. This study is the use of microwave extraction technology to build rapid extraction method of Chinese medicine active ingredients made important exploration.
The study used a high pressure control precision MPS-100D multi-mode microwave sample preparation system, the active ingredient in honeysuckle chlorogenic acid and chlorogenic acids were extracted according to the conditions set by orthogonal experimental design method , the optimum conditions for microwave extraction were explored, while compared with microwave and ultrasonic extraction method helps extract the differences microwave proof ways to get a higher extraction rate.
Experiments, the researchers first same sample, using microwave extraction equipment made by different extraction conditions samples simultaneously, press the "Pharmacopoeia" method extracts made from 100% as control. Samples of chlorogenic acids in 330 Nami Bo strengths for spectrophotometry. The results show that different experiments ethanol content of the selected solvent at times the amount of processing time and microwave microwave pressure four factors, the alcohol content have a greater impact on the extraction rate, with 35% ethanol as solvent extraction, the best ; microwave heating pressure and time interaction effect on the extraction rate of the largest in the 0.10 MPa for 30 seconds, conditions, can be achieved the highest extraction rate. Orthogonal experimental method, integrated economic factors and convenience, experimental results of the optimal conditions of 35% ethanol, 30 times times the amount of solvent, under a pressure 0.10 MPa, heated for 60 seconds.
The researchers used the best microwave extraction methods and application of ultrasonic extraction using conventional laboratory methods, the same sample, with the same solvent, for two extraction methods for chlorogenic acids Extraction yield and relatively parallel . The results showed that ultrasonic extraction yield of chlorogenic acids 4.771,5.032,5.726,5.346,4.873,5.226 experimental data, the relative standard deviation (RSD) = 6.67%; microwave extraction of chlorogenic acids experimental data yield 6.128 , 6.150,6.159,6.082,6.826, RSD = 0.59%.
Therefore, the active ingredient in honeysuckle chlorogenic acids extraction, microwave extraction rates than high nearly two ultrasonic method [(6.122-5.126) / 5.126 * 100% = 19.43%], microwave extraction of parallelism results also better than the ultrasonic method.
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