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Microwave sterilization device selection


Microwave sterilization device selection
    The main components of the microwave sterilizer microwave tubes and microwave heaters. Accordingly , depending on the sterilization objects reasonable choice disinfection device , directly affect the effect of sterilization .
    A choice of microwave tubes
    Generating microwave energy microwave tube is the main component is the most commonly used microwave magnetron and klystron tubes . Magnetron structure is simple, cheap, but the power of a single tube is generally small . Complex structure than the magnetron klystron , magnetron efficiency ratio is slightly lower, but the single pipe can get a larger power . In the design of microwave sterilization device, select the type of microwave tubes , should be taken into account both the characteristics of microwave tubes .
2 determined by the type of microwave heating
Microwave heater by handling objects and the role of the microwave field can be divided into standing wave resonator heater , traveling wave field waveguide heaters, radiant heaters and other four types of slow-wave -type heater , its structure type there is a box type , tunnel , flat , curved waveguide and the straight waveguide type several. The choice depends on the type of microwave heating process material shape , quantity and process requirements. For example, the volume of material to be heated large or complex shape , in order to obtain uniform heating , can be used tunnel resonator type heater ; For sheet materials, such as beef jerky , instant noodles seasoning packet of meat , generally can be slotted waveguide or slow-wave structure
Heater ; small batch or laboratory samples for testing , you can use a small cavity heater ; For linear materials dry , you can use a ridge waveguide slotted waveguide or heater .

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