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The advantage of microwave sterilization


The advantage of microwave sterilization
    An energy conservation
    As the microwave heating of food directly , the additional low heat loss , heating system itself is not heated , so that energy saving , compared with the conventional sterilization methods , and can save 30 % to 50% .
    2 heating speed
    Conventional heat transfer medium needed , take a long time to achieve the desired heating temperature , and the material to be heated by microwave heating is direct absorption of microwave energy, so that the heating rate is much higher than the conventional heating rate , it greatly improves the productivity , better suited for modern production .
    3 heat evenly than thermal sterilization
    Conventional heating, the heat is transmitted through the dielectric material inside , while the microwave heating of a material in a very short time the surface of the microwave energy delivered to the food cold spot temperature inside and outside the food quickly reach consensus and improve product quality. But the microwave heating and it is not the material surface and internal uniform heat. Such as food packaging containers are varied, but a variety of containers have a common characteristic , that is incident in the microwave range, the broad vicinity of the periphery of the heating area of ​​maximum intensity , the entire peripheral region of a circular , rectangular corners regions subject to strong heating of the center of the gradual decay , heating slowed . Therefore, the shape of the container to control the heating .
    4 maximum wind kept ignorant of Food and Nutrition
    Microwave sterilization effect is achieved by a special thermal and non-thermal effects of sterilization, so with conventional physical and chemical sterilization methods, not only has the low-temperature , short features, and safety and health, to maximize the retention of food nutrients and original flavor .
5 easy to control and easy to automate production
Microwave processing equipment , easy to control , no mechanical control inertia , work status of shutting down movements through electrical control , but also according to different food processing process specifications , pre- adjusted at any time by means of a computer program and quality automatic monitoring and control , to achieve production automated.
    6 Safety and Environmental Protection
    As can be controlled microwave heating chamber made ​​of metal working in the waveguide , the microwave leakage is effectively controlled without radiation hazards and harmful emissions , does not produce heat and dust pollution, neither contamination of food , nor pollute the environment.

previous:Microwave sterilization technology in meat products next:Microwave sterilization device selection

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Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.

 24 hour hotline:Mr. Dai:13544892266
