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Bactericidal effect of microwaves


Bactericidal effect of microwaves
    Microwave can kill a variety of microorganisms , not only can kill bacteria , but also can kill fungi, viruses and bacteria buds bulbs. Back in the 1930s a lot of research on published reports that it was used in the 1940s alcohol disinfection. Test description to nine strains of microwave irradiation l min to put all the killing ( Table 5-9 ) .
    Respectively, 850,595,467,255 and 85w microwave (2450Mz) processing 60 mI, sterile water access hay bacillus spores sample (6xlo ' a / mL) 50s ( starting temperature of 25 ℃) p result of sample temperature reaches 58 ℃ , the bacteria begin to die i.e. , within a certain period of time , with the increase in power . Microwave lethal effect on bacteria was significantly enhanced. 35w microwave treatment with Bacillus subtilis spores , handling 60 min at 85 ℃, only a small amount of inactivation at 95 ℃ irradiation 20 mtn, reducing the number of remaining alive gown to 11,000 or less.
    With 750w, microwave 2450MN advantage of moon cake in Aspergillus and Penicillium ( content 106-10 ' cells / mL gown suspension ) irradiation 2mIn, the results of aflatoxin kill rate of 100% of the experimental Penicillium kill kill up to 99.99%. High ovo management, Rhizopus oryzae , Aspergillus niger , Trichoderma mycelium fog , with 600 w, 2450MfL microwave treatment 20s, that is able to significantly inhibit their growth.

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Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.

 24 hour hotline:Mr. Dai:13544892266
