Microwave knowledge
Research progress of microwave extraction device
Research progress of microwave extraction device
A microwave -assisted extraction of various devices
The earliest devices for microwave extraction is a common household microwave oven , now we have devoted the commercialization of microwave sample preparation equipment . Microwave-assisted extraction device according to the type of extraction tank can be divided into two categories: closed microwave assisted extraction device and opener assisted extraction devices.
2 microwave processing technology and combined with other methods
Not only can the microwave -assisted extraction and gas chromatography , spectroscopy combined with other detection techniques can also be associated with other sample processing techniques used , such as solid phase micro extraction, solid phase extraction, liquid-phase micro- extraction . Especially in the microwave-assisted extraction - headspace SPME Coupled with the most widely used .
( A ) detection of multiple sediment and soil
Ericsson and other dynamic microwave-assisted extraction device and online coupled with solid phase extraction combined with HPLC for PAHs in sediments and soils real-time analysis and detection . The method is rapid , the extraction process can be monitored , only a small amount of sample and solvent can be quantitatively analyzed , and the full process automation .
( 2 ) analysis of marine sediments of persistent organic pollutants
Basheer , etc. ] of the microwave -assisted extraction and liquid-phase microextraction combined with analysis of marine sediments persistent organic pollutants, including 12 kinds of eight kinds of organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls . First with MAE from 1g sample will be extracted analytes , and then hollow fiber membrane liquid-phase microextraction to extract purified and enriched , and finally by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry . Organochlorine pesticides and polychlorinated biphenyls recoveries were 73 ~ 111%, 86 ~ 110%, RSD were less than 20% , than multiple Soxhlet extraction and solid phase extraction recoveries good Chromatography . In recent years, domestic and analytical chemistry laboratory developed state microwave-assisted extraction (DMAE), microwave-assisted micellar extraction (MAME), solvent-free microwave extraction (SFME), microwave-assisted steam distillation extraction (MASDE), vacuum microwave-assisted extraction ( VMAE), and most of the equipment has been the development of automated analysis . Dynamic MAE saves time and solvent , there are better recovery and precision . The development of these devices greatly expands the range of applications of microwave -assisted extraction .
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