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Microwave sterilization technology preservation

Microwave sterilization technology preservation
    Application of electric, magnetic, radiation processing of food and other physical techniques can play a sterilization , disinfection , mold and corrosion and inhibition of vegetables, fruits germinate modification function , to reduce agricultural postpartum consumption and prolong food preservation and the preservation time and improve food improve food quality and hygiene purposes. The use of small doses of radiation grains, fruits, seeds , vegetables, meat and other foods can effectively kill the parasites in which the various pests and bacteria.
    Radiation in food preservation on agricultural products have passed technical appraisal have rice, potatoes, garlic , onions , sausage , pork, chicken , apples , soy sauce , ginger , ginseng, bee products and other 20 kinds . Some have provincial and municipal science and technology achievement awards . In food preservation , the use of microwave processing of grain, fruit and vegetables, meat, eggs , soy sauce, beer, milk and other agricultural products , can not only play the role of sterilization , but also maintain the original color, original taste and does not reduce vitamin c and amino acids content .
    ZHAO Zhenfeng , Xiao Miao Xin , etc. The experimental results showed that: microwave sterilized milk Vc loss than the low heat sterilization , and get the best microwave sterilization of milk production process parameters. In addition , vegetables , meat , bakery products and prepared foods by microwave treatment volume Vc loss than conventional heating method low ( ten thousand Yi , 2001 ) . Wang Wei et al (2000 ) studied the microwave treatment on meat products can be stored injury. The results showed that microwave sterilization process has significant anti-corrosion effect , help to improve product can be stored , while the preservative effect sterilization and other factors depending on the product packaging .

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