Microwave knowledge
Microwave generation
Microwave generation
Microwave energy usually consists of a DC or AC 50H2 special devices to get through. Members of microwave energy can be generated, there are two main components: vacuum devices, and semiconductor devices.
Vacuum device is the use of electron motion in a vacuum to complete energy conversion devices, also known as the tube. In the power vacuum devices can produce high-power microwave energy are stubborn control, multi-cavity klystron microwave three, four pole tubes, traveling wave tubes and crossed-field devices. Microwave three tetrode structure itself is more complex, but also the use of external cavity, and the frequency at 900MH2 more difficult to obtain than kilowatt power, limiting its application in microwave heating. Currently in the application of microwave heating is more magnetron and klystron.
Magnetron output power, high efficiency high frequency stability and low price, in many industrial applications. China's production of 915MHz and 2450MH2 can produce microwave magnetron (continuous wave magnetron), respectively, 30kw power and lokw above, the efficiency is 80% and 77%, respectively, over the life of 1000 h.
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Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.
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