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Microwave browning device technology

Microwave browning device technology
Microwave browning device technology is based on the microwave energy into heat, the temperature of the material surface browning the required temperature. Currently the main use of microwave browning browning device heating plate, iron pieces and browning browning heater heating pads and other means.
1 browning heating plate
Browning heating plate usually consists of glass-ceramics, coated with a layer at the bottom of tin oxide, and with the feet in order to avoid contact with the microwave oven floor, reduce heat conduction losses. Tin oxide to make almost all of the microwave energy into heat in the microwave oven for 4-5 minutes to make the temperature rises to 260-315 ℃.
2 heating elements iron Browning
The oxidation of iron in food browning the application, the ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic compounds, such as barium and silver salts such as titanium, these materials easily absorb microwave and convert it to heat. Iron oxide reaches a certain temperature (Curie temperature) to a non-magnetic and microwave transparent, when it is cooled after the restoration of the original magnetic properties, can be used for re-heating. Many iron oxides container or device may be used in the microwave browning of food.
3 Browning heating pad
The so-called liner is capable of microwave energy is converted into heat in turn associated with the other material affixed to the heating of the device. The gasket material chosen, the food material requirements than heating speed, continuous heating, when the heating temperature reaches a maximum, the sensitive pad becomes transparent to microwave. Its role and iron oxides similar but does not involve magnetism.
In the package should be rapidly heated to a spacer 150-205 ℃, and maintained for 5-10 minutes. Do not allow packaging material exceeds its flash point (about 232 ℃).
Heat capacity of the metal film is low in the microwave heating of materials, the metal film directly to the microwave energy into heat, the food to be in close contact with the film, the metal film to heat transfer to the food to browning. Materials commonly used vacuum aluminized polyethylene cool. Metal coating thickness of less than 0.1 microns, a surface resistivity should be 1 to 1.5 EU / cm ².
Aluminum is the most frequently used microwave package cushioning material, the aluminum vanadium oxidation stability as stainless steel, generally stainless steel instead of aluminum, used in the microwave. It is reported that, by adjusting the size of the thermal resistance, stainless steel heated at 93-216 ℃ sustainable for 30 minutes.
4. Microwave equipment structural measures
Some microwave processing equipment similar to the oven is equipped with a resistance heating element, during the microwave processing, the first use of microwave heating, browning element and use the product surface color.
The joint use of traditional ovens and microwave ovens are also an effective means of generating browning. The microwave and thermal energy can be obtained the synergy effect of the natural browning.
5 microwave frying apparatus
In addition, a certain amount of food can be filled with the amount of oil inputs container, the container is placed in a microwave oven, a microwave heating the oil to a certain temperature, can be microwave frying.
However, when using a microwave frying NOTE: It is best to avoid the use of glass or glass ceramic container because the container may rupture leaving the hot oil spills. You can use more than 22 cm in diameter light and strong aluminum containers. Containers must handle with a non-thermal. Smaller than the heat capacity of oil, heating rate of water 2 times, and different from water, the continuous heating may exceed the smoke point of the oil temperature continues to rise and, therefore, the heating process the temperature of the oil must be strictly monitored. If installing a thermometer probe in the oven when the temperature reaches a predetermined value, ie closed microwave.



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