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Microwave and hot water heating systems faster tha

Microwave and hot water heating systems faster than does
Microwave heating faster than normal electric heating, infrared heating and other heating speed has been a lot of people agree, but we agree, but also caused some people the magic of microwave heating fooled that it will just use the microwave heating soon, for example: Many people think that microwave heating fast, so I wanted to boil water using microwave heating, microwave heating devices that use pot boiling in the end it fast unhappy!
First, we have to analyze what is fast, microwave heating Why fast!
Usually we say that microwave heating is faster with the same power of the microwave, electric wire or infrared heating of objects, etc., the same time, the microwave heating material, its temperature rises faster than the other way, this is the microwave heating equipment fast, faster microwave heating of the material due to microwave heating, the microwave is directly heating the material both inside and outside, the heating process is the process of heating the material as a whole, with no intervening material between the heat transfer process, so compared to other methods said, because it will require a lot slower heat conduction.
So, now some people will think that using the microwave to boil water heating equipment will be faster than the other! In fact, this is an illusion, other substances are subject to microwave heating fast and misguided.
Because heating water, heating tube is directly heated water bubbles in the water, and it is a direct heating method (because the intermediate air or other media without the conduction process), and because the heating tube made ​​of heat absorbed by the water would all be able to , almost no energy loss, so the energy conversion rate is also high; the time if the microwave heating, microwave heating is a direct though, but the microwave energy into the process needs to be part of the energy consumed, so the same one kilowatts of electricity, use of electric tube Since no power loss, the electric heating tube direct heating hot water than the micro wave and a higher energy conversion rate, the heating rate will be faster.


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