Microwave knowledge
Aging application of microwave technology liquor
Aging application of microwave technology liquor
Microwave on liquor are ripening, and this is because the microwave energy is absorbed substances produced by thermal and chemical effects of the common result. Microwave the liquor of each component molecules in the excited state, is conducive to a variety of oxidation-reduction and esterification reaction. Microwave can also be alcohol molecules and water molecules into individual elements, and then promote their re-association.
Wineries can be single or multiple serial devices liquor microwave mature, the effect is significant. Old liquor cooked by microwave, eliminating spicy white wine, making wine quality softer, cotton, soft, smooth taste. Dangjiu by microwave treatment, can quickly get rid of some of its savor, to improve the quality of its more prominent.
Aging mechanism of microwave liquor
Aging is a new wine brewing process is an important part, microwave ripening process liquor is to accelerate the microwave field alcoholization this new wine brewing process.
First, the role of the microwave field in wine by high-frequency electromagnetic field polarity of water molecules and high polarization, polarization, while some pro-composite "group" "cage" shape of the various ingredients are dispersed ion separation, re- combination enables independent, insoluble organic molecular group integration, mutual penetration, speed up the Aging Process. Second, in the microwave wine is converted to heat, its temperature increases, creating the physical environment of accelerating Aging. Third, the microwave field in the wine this rich organic and inorganic systems can trigger and accelerate many alcoholization desired chemical reaction. The following are the details of these three aspects of the role.
(A) the relationship between water and wine great example, choose water is an important condition for the wine. However, the wine and water quality but also to master the scientific principles and relationships, it may produce a good wine to.
Ethanol and similar molecular structure of water, to dissolve each other, the two polar molecules are strong, they are mutually exclusive in the same pole, poles will attract each other. Logically, water, alcohol mixture will be combined very well, but in fact there are many problems.
First, in the micro Shui of free water molecules are not, but by 3 to 4 months or more water molecules to hydrogen bond association may together form a "cage" shaped or "group" shape, actually associating state water. The relative density of water and ethanol ratio is 1:0.7, therefore, only the heating and stirring process, the association of water and ethanol is not completely uniform round, associative few molecules of water and ethanol, even with close owe, which would is just steamed or just out of the new wine blending a "light", "dry taste" one of the reasons such as quality problems.
Between water molecules and ethanol molecules can form a uniform complex, wine aging process, one of the aims is to water, ethanol molecules forming such complexes, complexes with hydrogen association, therefore, the association of water "Open" has become a single molecule of water, it creates a big difference Aging effect. This single-molecule hydrogen bonding of water not only with alcohol and more, and attractive large, there will be water, alcohol mixed, tightly "water alcohol association" or "conjugate." This mixture with simple water, alcohols miscible a big difference, it can be seen as ethanol, "hydrate" or water "alcoholate", its physical and chemical characteristics, and the water does not taste the same, and ethanol is also somewhat different .
This mixture is not only good quality but also more stable, known as the "wine." Therefore, to wine, wine blending process to produce high quality and stable complexes (wine) One way is to use decentralized "molecules of water." Internal multi-molecular association of water is covalently bonded hydrogen, mainly by the electrostatic force of gravity, the hydrogen bond is only one-tenth the number of ionic bond (several kJ per mole). Microwave field can be obtained through the "molecule of water," and ethanol molecules of water will aroma, flavor ingredients "composite", producing the effect of aging, the quality of its products will have different characteristics.
Similarly, for the hook of wine in the past to focus only on water resources, water quality, few studies hook drinks "active", the water is used immediately after the microwave treatment against alcohol wine or modulation, the product will have certain characteristics, the "fresh taste" will be greatly reduced.
(2) there should be a white wine Aging wine alcoholization ambient temperature in winter than in summer wine slowly. Electromagnetic microwave accelerating the wine molecules collide with each other to obtain a dielectric polarization heat. When microwave energy is suspended, this movement will remain for some time, accelerating the Aging Process, as the following table wine processed once the microwave heating process, the equivalent of three months' wine storage effect.
Microwave ripening process parameters liquor alcoholization
Wine Microwave Power / KW Flow / L * h-1 starting temperature / ℃ final temperature / ℃
Sorghum Wine 4-4.5 12 025 ~ 35 42 ~ 53
Dry matter wine, corn alcohol 4 4.5 100 30 ~ 40 ~ 45 ~ 55
Three Liquor 420 025 ~ 35 42 ~ 50
Microwave treated liquor even at room temperature (20 ~ 30 ℃) under natural mellow than two weeks before leaving the factory.
(3) non-thermal effects of microwave energy in a conventional physical aging plays a special role of aging does not have wine in the brewing chemical processes, owing to the combination, decomposition and a large number of "semi-free" electrons, ions and other charged particles, these particles under the effect of the microwave field changed their electrical resistance, permutations and combinations of the state and its law of motion, and field force sensing ion current will affect all the ingredients in wine charge distribution, making it their own brewing activities have been accelerated.
Aging microwave accelerating the process of wine there are also a number of reactions:
Alcohols → aldehydes (unstable state) → Acid → → alcohol esters, esters, acids Specific complexes are:
Alcohol oxidation: for example CH2CH2OH → CH2CH = 0
Aldehyde oxidation: for example 2CH3CH2OH → 2CH3CCOOH
Esterification reaction: for example CH3CH2OH + CH3COOH → CH3COOCH2CH3
Microwave esterification process can be shortened. On the one hand the microwave field oxidation, esterification to provide the necessary energy source, the other effects of high frequency electromagnetic field to promote a number of reactions.
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