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Microwave disinfection in the food industry


Microwave disinfection in the food industry
     Due to convenient microwave disinfection operation, effort, disinfection fast, uniform heating, the temperature is not high. Small damage to the goods after disinfection to remove convenient, and its penetration is good, stable and reliable. Foreign use of microwave sterilization has been used in the food industry production, such as small package mushrooms in Japan, the Netherlands and the United States of hot food and vegetables, drink a small package, Hungary convenience foods are in the market after microwave sterilization - death circulation. Domestic microwave food sterilization also have a preliminary study, the current application of microwave disinfection is more food and tableware treatment.
     The impact of food on microwave disinfection of food components, may be due to different types of food and different. Effect of Microwave basic nutrition composition (protein, carbohydrate, fat) is small, and the instability of vitamins and other substances have a destructive effect, but the damaging effects compared with ordinary heating method, a much smaller impact.

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Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.

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