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Microwave disinfection in dairy industry


Microwave disinfection in dairy industry
    Milk and other dairy production process , sterilization kill Yin is the most important treatment process. The traditional method is the use of high-temperature short-time pasteurization . The drawback is that the boiler requires huge and complex pipeline systems , and energy -consuming , taking up coal field, high labor intensity , but also pollute the environment. Microwave disinfection of milk processing , milk after treatment for a few seconds at about 80 ℃ , and E. coli hybrid seedlings fully meet hygiene standards, not only nutrients remain unchanged , and the role of fat globules by microwave smaller diameter , and there homogenization , increased milk flavor , improved product stability, conducive to the absorption of nutrients.
    Milk processing at 82 ℃ them a few minutes to kill bacteria , the bacteria can reduce the total number of 99.99% , did not affect the flavor , this group is also useful afternoon microwave irradiation to sterilize milk, not only clean, fast , and no change in quality . The results show that KindIe etc. , milk heated in the microwave to boil , you can shade Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Mycobacterium ground , killing all polio virus fire ; but white ; beads Yin is still alive.

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Copyright: Dongguan Qixie Microwave Equipment Co., Ltd.

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