Microwave knowledge
The development of microwave chemistry
The development of microwave chemistry
In our lives today, the microwave equipment is already ubiquitous, we have adapted the use of microwave equipment. Families microwave oven, ready meals can be heated; industrially industrial microwave equipment, such as drying, sterilization machine, dryer and so on.
But in fact, the history of microwave chemistry and soon.
Microwave chemistry has opened up new areas of microwave chemistry of this chemical. Microwave can play a role in directly with the chemical system to promote all kinds of chemical reaction, which is the usual sense of the content involved in microwave chemistry, microwave chemistry of condensed matter on this category. The role of the microwave and gaseous substances situation is somewhat different. Is here. Certain amount ratio (wavelength) of the microwaves can be absorbed by certain gases, as they may be just the quantum energy of the gas corresponding to the rotational energy levels corresponding to the difference, which is studied by microwave absorption spectroscopy content . Monitoring of pollutants in the atmosphere has valuable applications. However, for the commonly used microwave power 2450MWz 915MHz and, more typically the case that the induction of the microwave power, the gas into the first plasma, and thus can be utilized in a variety of chemical field, which is called microwave plasma chemical, it is covered by the generalized microwave chemistry content. Based on the above understanding, we can say that microwave chemistry actually began to develop from the microwave plasma chemical.
Microwave field on the role of condensed matter is much more complex, so in condensed matter chemistry using microwave energy research than microwave plasma chemical application in much later, but the initial (1974) work Pakistan just a sample with a microwave oven for drying. 1975 have people use it as a biological sample digestion and achieved great success. Now this technology has been commercialized and are widely used as standard Huai method used to analyze sample pretreatment.
Microwave for Condensed Matter synthetic chemistry study began in 1986, to date research and achieved remarkable results through organic synthesis reactions and rearrangements, Knoevenage reaction, Perkin reaction, benzoin condensation, Reformatsky reaction, Deckman reaction, acetal (one) reactions, Witting reaction, formaldehyde condensation, ring opening, alkylation, hydrolysis, oxidation, olefins, elimination reactions, substitution, a ring, a reverse, dip switch, amidation, catalytic hydrogenation. Off the saddle, deprotection, polymerization, the main selective reaction, radical reactions and sugar are all classes and certain organic reactions, organic synthesis reactions involving almost all major areas, but so far the research is still at the experimental facts accumulation, the mechanism of the reaction is also carried out very little is also very deep, so that the microwave heating or synthetic methods to improve these mechanisms can not make a single convincing explanation. "Thermal effect said," can be explained by the fact that a lot of experiments, but it does exist with the "thermal effect saying" unexplained experimental facts. Microwave quantum energy is only 2x10-22J, the score between the Van der Waals produced even less binding energy. If there are so-called "non-thermal effect", this non-thermal effects and how did this happen? Also difficult to answer dryer. The same evaluation is also suitable for solid-phase reaction of inorganic microwave situation. Whether ceramic materials (including superconducting materials) sintering the solid preparation of fast ion conductor, ultrafine nano-powder materials and synthetic zeolites are all benefits due to application of micro-Poly, but on the microwave synthesis in these work in terms of awareness, there is still far from reaching the level of a guiding theory. Nevertheless, microwave chemistry as a branch of the development of new chemical already is an indisputable fact, and has been in environmental protection, the oil industry and metallurgy and other sectors gained extensive and successful application of these phenomena exist, only that we faced with a new and promising field. But because there are many unrecognized things that our science is more important problems, are more likely to "discovering, inventing, creating and advancing. Easy to see, microwave chemistry in people on the microwave field properties of the substance and its interaction studies developed on the basis of which apparently involves in-depth study electromagnetic fields and electromagnetic theory, dielectric physics, condensed matter physics, plasma physics theory, Structure of Matter theory and a variety of chemical principles, it can be said. microwave chemistry is based on the theory and principles, the use of modern microwave technology to study the substance in the microwave field of the physical and chemical behavior of a science.
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