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The advantage of microwave heating

The advantage of microwave heating
    Microwave heating and conventional heating compared to the way of its obvious advantages are:
     (A) heating speed. Because microwave simultaneously to the center and the surface of the ore, is heated from the inside to the outside, no heat conduction, so only conventional heating methods to a few thousandths of one percent of the time to complete the heating process.
     (2) to achieve selective heating;
     (3) responsive, able to achieve rapid control, is conducive to automation;
     (4) small footprint, high thermal efficiency. Heating equipment except in the power section and tube system itself consumes some energy and emit heat outside. Microwave equipment basically does not radiate heat. High thermal efficiency, the device is small, to avoid the high temperature of the environment, to improve working conditions.
     Microwave heating technology is widely used in agriculture, forestry, medical, chemical, light and food industries on many aspects of people's daily lives in is everywhere. Mature technology and equipment, the effect is significant. But in the mining sector in the use of microwave heating technology, the latest research direction in recent years.

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