Microwave knowledge
Generation of microwave heating
Generation of microwave heating
Any medium is composed of many positively charged end , and the other - with the negative terminal molecules ( or even pine ) composed , if the media in the two metal plates , in general , the medium will be used for dipole Yun Zhang messy movement . So it is no rule molecules are arranged . When the switch is closed we DC voltage applied to the metal plate, there is between the poles - DC electric field in the electric field among the media , the internal re- arrangement of the dipole , the positively charged end of the tendency negative , tend to negatively charged anode end , so that , had erratic movement haphazard arrangement of dipoles , it becomes a regular arrangement of oriented polarization of molecules. This phenomenon is called material elements of the " polarization " , i.e. the material elements given external electric field of a " potential " , in general, the stronger the dielectric polarization , the greater the dielectric constant , the more potential energy stored .
Because microwave collar high rate of positive and negative direction of the applied electric field speed changes, resulting in the polarization direction of the material is also high molecular changes , that is, for high-speed swing. However, due to the thermal motion of the molecule itself and the interaction between adjacent molecules . Make these dipoles with the external electric field in the direction of the change in the rules for the swing . Hindered by interference and have a similar role friction manifested in the form of heat , which is the microwave heating .
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