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Microwave-assisted extraction technology

Microwave-assisted extraction technology
    Microwave-assisted extraction technology is an emerging technology . Today there are many trials using microwave-assisted extraction method, and has formed a relatively complete variety of microwave-assisted extraction system . The introduction of the latest research microwave-assisted extraction pretreatment samples and other analytical techniques used in conjunction with a broad development prospects . In different experiments , each reflecting the device is simple , wide application , high extraction efficiency , good repeatability, solvents and less time consuming , less environmental pollution , etc. [ 4 ] .
    In the laboratory or the factory , the microwave technology improvements, the plant material from a different lot of volatile components in the extracts . Its principle and Soxhlet extraction, steam distillation, extraction and other conventional methods are different . Microwave heating of the sample directly absorb microwave energy [ 5 . Microwave energy is a kind of energy . In the energy transfer process, the microwave energy directly affects the polar molecule material . Microwave electromagnetic field allows rapid polarization of these polar molecules . When using a frequency of 2450 MHz microwave energy extraction , the solute or solvent polar molecules will be 2.45 billion times per minute, the speed of doing polarity reversal motion, so that the friction between the molecules and generate mutual collisions. In this way the movement of the molecule of the active ingredient ( polar part ) will speed collide with each other and to accelerate the reaction , and produce a lot of heat , this heat to promote cell rupture , and cell proliferation in spillage and a solvent . Accordingly , the microwave in the effective components to promote cell outflow of freedom , at low temperatures if further use of extraction medium , to capture, dissolved
Solution , and then by means of filtration, separation technology , you can get extract.

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