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Frequency drying applications in the wood industry

Frequency drying applications in the wood industry
     Is still the most widely used high-frequency welding Pvc products, such as inflatable lifeboat, car decoration and stationery. However, its rapid growth in the industrial field of application is dry. In many processes, the application of high-frequency heating and drying in the technical and economically reasonable.
     (A) high-frequency drying for wood in the production of plywood and glued time. The sheet was dried to remove moisture and to water distribution. Otherwise, the water is more concentrated in the hot parts of the process of the formation of air bag, make sheet stratification. HF is often used to handle the plywood adhesives. In this case, the press plate can be used as an electrode high frequency heating drying, can be quickly and efficiently heated. Output power range of 250-1500kw.
     (2) Furniture component quick drying drying drying technology using high-frequency pre-made ​​into furniture components can be completed in just a few minutes, and can be well controlled component shrinkage. The use of conventional drying methods require several days or even weeks to complete.
Wood drying a main problem is how to make the vaporized water from the timber base, and the heating rate is a secondary factor, because increasing the heating rate tends to lead to structural damage, such as distortion and cracking. Dried thin-walled products (eg sheet) although not subject to this restriction, but for the production of large material, it should be noted it is not economical to use high frequency. In this case, the pressing plate may be low pressure, or be able to ensure that the moisture diffusion premise of reducing the power and other methods. In short, should be considered (cost, product quality, etc.) HF drier bulk timber rationality dryer design selection, such as hard wood using high-frequency drying may be of higher quality products.

主要产品推荐: 烘干机 干燥机  杀菌机  微波设备

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