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Frequency drying applications in the textile indus

Many high-frequency drying system for drying fabric bundles, fiber strips. Which has a fast-drying, to prevent excessive drying and leveling the surface water distribution, etc., can produce high quality products. Another advantage is that the dye distribution (due to the drying process is not only the diffusion of liquid, and gaseous form water vapor diffusion). Used in the main power range of 50-100kw (although in some cases may be large, or in some cases small 250kw to 3kW). Current applications are dry loose fibers, especially the bulky high-grade animal hair (such as cashmere). Temperature of the fiber as low as possible, the available waste heat from the high-frequency tube heated air, and let the hot air through the bed in order to ensure a lower temperature fiber. In the conventional drying conditions, the material temperature is high, especially in the outer surface of the coil temperature is higher.
     Frequency drying is more suitable for dry and relatively to the volume and surface area ratio (specific surface area is relatively small) group of lines or line package. Because line package structure and fabric fibers have good thermal insulation, no obvious constant speed segments, so it is best mechanical dewatering is complete, complete the drying process with high frequency.
Different fibers, combined with the properties of water are different in the same production capacity of the dryer is also different. Frequency drying non-hygroscopic rayon, relatively low production of high quality products (such as garments with wool) easier.

主要产品推荐: 烘干机 干燥机  杀菌机  微波设备

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