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The advantage of pulse combustion

The advantage of pulse combustion
    Pulse combustion technology and based on steady-state combustion technology compared to conventional combustion, have it alone hold, incomparable superiority. This superiority not only in the pulse combustor itself, and when the pulse combustor when applied to the field of industrial and agricultural production, which in turn brings the use of conventional burners impossible to get even bigger advantage.
    (1) up to 10 times the combustion intensity. Pulse combustor gas pulsation strongly held in greatly improved between the fuel and air, the cold heat of combustion reactants and products of mixing between heat and mass transfer process, thereby greatly improving the strength of the combustion . Experimental research literature and pulse combustor product performance data reported data show that the combustion intensity of pulse combustor can reach 58,000 kilowatts per cubic meter, while in the steady state of the conventional combustion burner, the combustion can reach maximum intensity 1000 kilowatts per cubic meter. The advantage of a combustion apparatus in smaller combustion energy is produced in a large and provides the possibility reality.
    (2) high combustion efficiency (amount of gas consumed less diplomatic). Burning gaseous fuel in a variety of pulse combustor, as long as excess air lines (residual gas factor) number larger than 1.0, we can achieve 100% combustion efficiency similar in their content of CO in the combustion products is only 20-50ppm (ppm is parts per million share of the number of copies). In heavy oil as fuel, the excess air ratio of 1.05 under the conditions of the combustion efficiency can reach 90% or more. The only advantage of a very low excess air for power is larger, heavy oil and coal burning combustion devices is particularly important, both energy savings and reduces the number of blast equipment investment.
    (3) improve the heat and mass transfer rates 2-3 times. In the pulse combustor, from the combustion products to the wall of the heat transfer rate is high. Since the pulse combustor pressure fluctuations and velocity fluctuations, automatically provides a strong forced convection heat transfer, and in the conventional steady state exists within the combustor typically compared to natural convection heat transfer, to achieve a high strength and heat exchange thermal efficiency. In the conventional steady burner, heat exchanger per unit area can reach a maximum intensity of 50-100 kW per square meter, and in the pulse combustor, the strength per unit area of ​​the heat exchanger can be more than 350 kilowatts per square meter. Thus, the high intensity pulse combustor combustion energy released to spread rapidly through the wall. In this way, we can reduce the volume of the combustion device, save a lot of material, but also for the user to save a lot of space.
    (4) to reduce pollutant about 2/3. The strong pulse combustor gas pulsation improves the mixing process within the combustor, to achieve a high combustion efficiency, thus reducing the combustion product finished unburned hydrocarbon content of generation amount of soot and CO, as In the pulse combustor of the combustion heat is periodic, the wall outwardly from the burner together with the excellent heat transfer performance, so the resulting lower combustion temperature, so that substantial reduction of NOx formation, such as natural gas as fuel The pulse combustor, do not come with any reduction in N () J measure of the amount generated in the case, Noz the irresolute volume is only 20 to 70ppm, the adoption of certain measures to reduce the generation amount of NOx after, NOx emissions can be reduced to only 5-7ppm.
    (5) improve the thermal efficiency as 40%. Routine based on steady-state combustion burner, it can not self-discharge combustion products must use buoyancy to the chimney after combustion exhaust gas discharged or pumped them with exhaust fan. According to the U.S. Department of Energy statistics, an average of 30% -40% of the heat from the chimney as flue gas emissions away emitted into the atmosphere wasted. Some smoke exhaust gas temperature is due to the working principle requires. And the excess air, the more the greater the proportion of energy loss. Allowing the use of lower exhaust gas temperature, but increased investment in equipment and operating power consumption. The working principle of pulse combustor determines that it has the function of self-discharge, can be automatically discharged combustion products, rather than as a conventional stationary burners, as chimneys smoke. Since the pulse combustor good heat transfer properties and characteristics of a low excess air in the combustion exhaust gas temperature at the outlet close to the ambient temperature can be reduced, so that the total thermal efficiency of up to 95% of the level, can be significantly save fuel and reduce operating costs. Pulse combustor exhaust airflow speed pulsating tail tail pipe wall can also clean up the dust, with self-purification. On the other hand, most of the pulse combustor has a self-priming function, that is, without blowers, suction on their own fuel and air for combustion. This advantage allows the pulse combustor in operation saves a lot of energy required for air blower and blower equipment investment.
(6) simple structure, small size. In addition to one-way valve pulse combustor, almost no moving parts, so the production investment and manufacturing costs are very low.


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